Saturday, August 22, 2009

O-M-G I could not stop watching this video all week.... This proves that music can transcends any language...and any racial backgrounds... This does NOT grind my gears

Sorry about not blogging as much... I have been busy( Yes, I have an actual life y'all) but I promise I will do more bitching as soon as I have the time!!-I just have too much crap to do... I am writing on this blog while I have two freaking papers to do...Uggh!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A stressful day at work yall...

There is this woman that I will call "Watermelon". Watermelon and I work in the same facility. We used to be cool but then I noticed that she was talking all this shit about everybody behind their backs...&& then when they are around she would say "Oh, you know you are my girl right??, I love you!!". Shit like that makes me migrate from people and that's what I hell I did...


A few months later, I completely stopped talking to her and now she is doing tons of mielda..(did I spell that right??) well bullshit to make me spazz the hell out and cut Watermelon up... Like everytime I am on the phone with someone she will talk really loud so I cannot hear who I am talking to on the phone or she will make comments directe towards me saying that she hates fake bitches...and I guess since I was on da rag(( having my period)) I was so close to cursing a bitch out at work... but I calmly said to my coworker... I feel like smacking some bitches today... Then my friend asked who... I said just dumb bitches...&& I made sure she heard it...

Watermelon got so heated and pissed off.. she was saying..."Oh I gotta go back to my desk because I am soo pissed!!" That made me calm...

Ohhhhhhhh!!!!!! Did I tell you that she is 32/33 years old... I am only 24 and she is acting like she is 13. If I was her age I would not give a damn about any 24 years old woman right?? I guess I am wrong.

With people I dislike..I stay silent.. it drives them crazy..and it makes my mom not having to bail me out of jail... lol

Sooo. this will be continued but What really grinds my WATERMELON!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

&& Another One....Ladies!!

What I have noticed lately.... That all the girls... that are trying to show off their bodies on the net... Trying to bag madd women and man with their sensuality... Its okay boo-boo do ya thing.. DO YO MO'FUGGIN THANG!!!...I have a few pics myself... but what set MYSELF from other lame ass ladies is AT LEAST MY UNDERWEAR MATCHED!!!

Yes dammit... What really grinds my gears this Saturday is that the crazy ass girls be trying to look all good but then you have a white bra on with some brown poo-poo looking underwear on. Then you gonna say that you are looking all sexy and classy and shit...NNNNNAAAHHH BOO-BOO that is not sexy at all... It just makes you look like these pics that your momma be taking when you are like 3 years old that she shows off to her family and friends saying that "Oh look, Nay-Nay is trying to dress herself now...Ain't that cute?!?!". AhHhHh I am tired of seeing this shit.. It makes my fucking head hurt.

Okay...Okay.. I feel much better now..

Here is a pic for a reference:

Britney rich so your ass should know better...Uggh...

Well...until something else gets on my nerves...

See Yah!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

See the Special Man.... Let Her Have It!!!--Lol

What Really Grinds My Gears...8/7/09

What really fuckin grinds my gears today????

Well I was on the 39 bus going home from a undisclosed location(nosey ass ppl)...and anyone that knows about the 39 bus, they KNOW that shit is crowded as hell. Well I am standing in the back just getting knocked over every damn stop or getting my feet stepped on, this young man decides to get right in front of me like he is my man or something so I politely said excuse me. Oh man!!! when I actually looked at his motherfuckin face....It was unbelieveable... He was sweating and shit...It is only 78 degress outside ppl... It is not that hot! Tomorrow is a different story. Anyways getting back on track, he had this crusty, white, flaky looking shit around his damn mouth. Then after I saw all that shit... He is falling asleep on people, and this unfamilar smell just came out of his nasty pores.... I felt like I was going to fucking gag... and all my closest friends know that I have a gag reflex like there is no tomorrow... I had to concentrate going home because I wanted a vanilla ice coffe from McDonalds..... Damn I am addicted to those... But I survived... and I do have my ice coffee dag-gonnit!!!!

Thanks to all the people that actually looked at my blog... Jimmy && Jennifer... thanks for all your comments... bring them on and if you have any suggestions let my black ass know..

Until Next Time...

BTW-This picture above^^^^ is how the person I was speaking of with the white crusties around his mouth looked like....^^^^ But I distorted her face in the pic... and the person I was talking about is a guy.. LMAO...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

What Really Grinds My Gears....8/6/09

Hello name is Nickki B. and I am starting a blog called "What Really Grinds My Gears". I was inspired by Family Guy and it gives me a place that I can vent out on the stupid ass shit that I see every damn day... This blog might hurt some people's feeling but I really don't give a damn. Okay so here is my first go at this stuff..

I was coming home from school and I got off the bus and I wanted a bite to eat so I decided to go to KFC on Brunker Blvd... and while I was waiting on this long as line, this couple with like 15 fuckin kids start whining. The little boy was loud as hell saying "Melinda took my quarter!!!!, MAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH Melinda took my quarter!!!!". People that know me know that shit annoyed my ass already. Then all of a sudden I look to the left of me by the fake tattoo station crap and I see a four year old girl with A FUCKIN PACIFIER IN HER DAMN MOUTH!!!!!. This girl... this girl...had sticky stuff all over her damn face her hair all in a mess. I mean its 9:50 pm..ain't she supposed to be in bed dammit!?!?!? Then her bigger sister tried to stick her big ass head under the damn soda machine and try to press down on the damn Pepsi compartment so the damn soda can just fall in her mouth!!! That shit is disgusting while the little boy that was whining was saying" MMAAAHHH, I want some pink lemonade too MMMAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!". I swear I was going to slap somebody...

Please dont let your children wind up like this....

I swirled this pic because I kind of felt embarrased for these two...

These are one of the many things that grinds my gears...... Until next time bitches!!